While Ken was doing prison ministry he was advised to take up a hobby, so he bought a pack of watercolors. They were simple and fun. Ken then realized that he desired to do some serious painting. That was about the time the Lord gave Ken a key to understanding his Kingdom. He said, “The key to discipline is desire.” Ken realized that he learned to play piano, write songs, preach, paint, and write, not because he had to, but because he was discovering the treasure of God inside of him. He worked hard at what he did, but it wasn’t a chore because of his desire. As he learned who God was, he discovered his identity, passion and destiny.
A friend suggested that Ken print a watercolor of some daisies along a split-railed fence. He was astonished when it sold out in less than six months. A new ministry began through selling paintings and telling stories. Ken’s watercolors were the backbone of A Place for the Heart, funding many of the buildings on the land.